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Dr. S. R. Liyanage

Dr. S. R. Liyanage

Coordinator - FQAC
Dr. S. R. Liyanage
Dr. S. R. Liyanage
Coordinator - FQAC

The Faculty Quality Assurance Cell (FQAC) of the Faculty of Computing and Technology (FCT) is established to cater to the ever growing demand for quality graduates in Computing and Technology related subjects. The objectives of the FCT includes offering of Degrees relating to computing and technology related disciplines and conducting research. The Faculty also hopes to accredit its degree programmes according to international standards such as Sydney Accord and Seoul Accord. The FQAC of FCT is to be established to ensure the quality of the teaching and learning activities of FCT and to facilitate accreditation process of the degree programmes.

Main Functions of the FQAC
  1. Promote quality enhancement activities within the FCT.
  2. Liaise with the Internal Quality Assurance Unit (IQAU) of the University in facilitating the conduct of Institutional Review and Programme Review (PR).
  3. Prepare self-evaluation report for PR.
  4. Guide departments in the FCT in preparation of self-evaluation reports for programme and subject reviews.
  5. Facilitate implementation of follow-up actions recommended in subject, programme or institutional review reports, and monitor progress in their implementation.
  6. Liaise with quality assurance units in other higher educational institutions, to share good practices and enhance the quality of higher education in Sri Lanka.
  7. Develop policy standards for the activities of the faculty.
Management Committee (MC)
Invitees to the Committee

Contact Us:

Faculty of Computing and Technology,
University Drive,
Bulugaha Junction,
Kandy Road,
Sri Lanka



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2025-02-07 21:02
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