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The Bachelor of Engineering Technology is a four-year degree programme. The student intake for this degree programme is 75. This Engineering Technology degree programme will have a strong focus on practical applications of science and technology with the view of preparing the graduates for a wide variety of industry applications. The first two years of the curriculum aims at developing the common competencies expected of an engineering technologist while the final two years are devoted for developing specific competencies in chosen areas of specialization.

The areas of specialization currently on offer are:
BET Course Modules (new) - (From Academic Year 2017/2018 onwards)
Year 1 - Semester I
 Course Code  Title Pre - Requisites  Credits   Compulsory/
 GTEC 11013  Mathematics for Technology - I  G.C.E. (A/L) 3  Compulsory
 GTEC 11023    Physics for Technology - I  G.C.E. (A/L) 3 Compulsory
 GTEC 11041  Engineering Drawing with CAD - I G.C.E. (A/L) 1 Compulsory
 ETEC 11052    Introduction to Programming for Technology   G.C.E. (A/L) 2 Compulsory
 ETEC 11063  Chemistry for Technology G.C.E. (A/L) 3 Compulsory
 GTEC 11071    Physics for Technology Laboratory - I  G.C.E. (A/L) 1 Compulsory
 GTEC 13032    Projects in Technology - I  G.C.E. (A/L) 2 Compulsory
 LNPR 13082*  Communication for Technology  G.C.E. (A/L) 2 Compulsory

Year 1 - Semester II
 Course Code  Title Pre - Requisites  Credits   Compulsory/
 GTEC 12013  Mathematics for Technology - II GTEC 11013 3  Compulsory
 GTEC 12023  Physics for Technology - II GTEC 11023 3 Compulsory
 GTEC 12033  Fundamental Practices in Technology G.C.E. (A/L) 3 Compulsory
 GTEC 12041  Engineering Drawing with CAD - II GTEC 11041 1 Compulsory
 ETEC 12051  Engineering Workshop GTEC 11023,
GTEC 11041 
1 Compulsory
 GTEC 12062  Statistics for Technology GTEC 11013 2 Compulsory
 ETEC 12071  Chemistry for Technology Laboratory   G.C.E. (A/L) 1 Compulsory
 GTEC 12081  Physics for Technology Laboratory - II GTEC 11071 1 Compulsory

Year 2 - Semester I
 Course Code  Title Pre - Requisites  Credits   Compulsory/
 GTEC 21013  Applied Calculus - I GTEC 12013 3 Compulsory
 GTEC 21023  Fundamentals of Electronics  GTEC 12023,
GTEC 12041 
3 Compulsory
 GTEC 23032  Projects in Technology - II GTEC 13032 2 Compulsory
 ETEC 21043  Engineering Materials - I ETEC 11063,
GTEC 12033 
3 Compulsory
 ETEC 21053  Manufacturing Processes  ETEC 12051 3 Compulsory
 ETEC 21062    Object Oriented Programming for Engineering Technology ETEC 11052 2 Optional
 LNPR 21072*  Japanese Language - I  G.C.E. (A/L) 2 Optional
 LNPR 23082*  Practicing communication for Technologists   LNPR 13082* 2 Compulsory

Year 2 - Semester II
 Course Code  Title Pre - Requisites  Credits   Compulsory/
 GTEC 22013  Applied Calculus - II GTEC 21013 3 Compulsory
 GTEC 22023    Sustainable Technology Systems ETEC 11063,
GTEC 12033 
3 Compulsory
 ETEC 22033  Applied Thermodynamics GTEC 11023,
GTEC 12023 
3 Compulsory
 ETEC 22042  Electric Circuits and Electric Machines GTEC 21023,
GTEC 12081 
2 Compulsory
 ETEC 22053  Industrial Control Systems GTEC 11023,
GTEC 12023 
3 Compulsory
 ETEC 22063  Mechanics of Materials GTEC 11041,
GTEC 12041 
3 Compulsory
 LNPR 22072*  Japanese Language - II   LNPR 21072* 2 Optional

Year 3 - Semester I
 Course Code  Title Pre - Requisites  Credits   Compulsory/
 ETEC 31013  Programming in Python for Engineering Technology ETEC 11052 3 Optional
 ETEC 31023  Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Systems ETEC 22033 3 Compulsory
 ETEC 31033  Mechanics of Machines ETEC 22063 3 Compulsory
 ENPR 31042   Principles and Practices of Technology management  GTEC 23032 2 Compulsory
 Materials and Process Technology Pathway
 ETMP 31213  Chemical Process Technology  ETEC 21043,
ETEC 21053 
3 Optional
 ETMP 31223  Engineering Materials - II ETEC 21043 3 Optional
 Industrial Automation and Robotics Pathway
 ETIA 31413  Introduction to Industrial Automation  ETEC 22042,
ETEC 22053 
3 Optional
 ETIA 31423  Introduction to Microprocessors and Embedded systems ETEC 11052 3 Optional
 Sustainable Technology Pathway
 ETST 31613  Hydrology and hydrogeology with lab  GTEC 11023,
ETEC 11063 
3 Optional
 ETST 31623  Conventional and Alternative Energy Resources  GTEC 12023,
GTEC 22023 
3 Optional

Year 3 - Semester II
 Course Code  Title Pre - Requisites  Credits   Compulsory/
 ETEC 32012  Machine Design with Computer Aided Design GTEC 12041 2 Compulsory
 ETEC 32022  Manufacturing Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing  ETEC 21043,
ETEC 21053 
2 Compulsory
 ENPR 32033  Innovations to Market GTEC 23033 3 Compulsory
 GCPR 32041*  Professional Ethics and Practices GTEC 12033 1 Compulsory
 Materials and Process Technology Pathway
 ETMP 32213  Science of Engineering Materials ETEC 21043,
GTEC 12023 
3 Optional
 ETMP 32223  Materials Processes in Industry - I  ETEC 21043,
ETEC 21053 
3 Optional
 ETMP 32233  Nanoscience and Nanomaterials ETEC 21043 3 Optional
 ETMP 32243  Integrated Computational Materials Engineering ETEC 32012,
ETEC 11063 
3 Optional
 Industrial Automation and Robotics Pathway
 ETIA 32413  Introduction to Robotics in Manufacturing  ETIA 31413 3 Optional
 ETIA 32423  Process Instrumentation and Control ETEC 22042,
ETEC 22053 
3 Optional
 ETIA 32433  Industrial Automation Networks ETIA 31413 3 Optional
 ETIA 32443  Embedded systems and Applications ETIA 31423 3 Optional
 Sustainable Technology Pathway
 ETST 32613  Energy Storage Technologies with Lab GTEC 12023,
ETEC 11063 
3 Optional
 ETST 32623  Water and Wastewater Treatment GTEC 22023 3 Optional
 ETST 32633  Soil and Solid Waste Treatment GTEC 22023 3 Optional
 ETST 32643  Air and Air Pollution Control ETEC 11063 3 Optional

Year 4 - Semester I and II
 Course Code  Title Pre - Requisites  Credits   Compulsory/
 ETEC 43018  Capstone Project All compulosry course units upto Level 3 8 Compulsory
 GCPR 41022*  Occupational Health and Safety ETEC 12051,
GTEC 12081,
ETEC 12071 
2 Compulsory
 ENPR 41033  Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) ETEC 12051 3 Optional
 ENPR 41043  Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management  ENPR 31042 3 Compulsory
 ENPR 41052  Lean/Six Sigma Management ENPR 31042 2 Compulsory
 GTEC 42016  Industrial Training  All compulosry course units upto Level 4 6 Compulsory
 Materials and Process Technology Pathway
 ETMP 41213  Materials Processes in Industry - II  ETMP 32223 3 Optional
 ETMP 41223  Novel Engineering Materials and Next Generation Devices ETMP 31223,
ETMP 32213 
3 Optional
 ETMP 41233  Materials Characterization and Testing Laboratory ETEC 21043,
ETEC 22063 
3 Optional
 Industrial Automation and Robotics Pathway
 ETIA 41413  Computer Integrated Manufacturing ETEC 32012,
ETEC 32022 
3 Optional
 ETIA 41423  Industrial Motion Control  ETIA 31423,
ETIA 32423 
3 Optional
 ETIA 41433  Computer Aided Manufacturing with Lab  ETEC 32012,
ETEC 32022 
3 Optional
 Sustainable Technology Pathway
 ETST 41613  Monitoring and Assessment of Sustainability  GTEC 22023 3 Optional
 ETST 41623  Sustainable Facilities and Operations  ETST 31623, 
GTEC 22023  
3 Optional
 ETST 41633  Geographical Information Systems for Sustainability with Laboratory ETEC 11052 3 Optional
BET Course Modules (interim) - (From Academic Year 2015/2016 to 2016/2017)
Students will get an opportunity to work in the industry for six months through the internship module in the 4th year. The medium of instructions and examinations is English.

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Bulugaha Junction,
Kandy Road,
Sri Lanka



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